Monthly Archives: December 2010

Kids Paid Off!


We made the final payment on the loan we took out on the boys.

Now no one can come repossess them!

 (I have a vision of me handing over the boys to some repo man in a grey flannel suit)

On the 17th, we celebrate our 1 year transfer day. What an amazing journey it has been. Thank you for sharing it with us. It has been a whirlwind of waiting, patience, joy and tears (more tears than usual as we’ve started teething). And love, buckets and buckets of love…how lucky to finally be a family.

First Showing


Our house went on the market on Weds.

We had our first showing today. We were just headed off to MO2’s supervisor’s holiday open house when we got the call. We ran home and tidied the place up a bit (we’ve been working really hard to keep things neat) and then went off the the party.

I sent the buyer’s agent some email asking for feedback. I just was wondering if she had any hints of us for future showings. Our house isn’t perfect, it’s small and quirky like old houses are (it was built in 1927) but it has beautiful plaster walls and high ceilings and photographs beautifully. It would be a good house for a young family, a single or retireees (it is all one level). I really want to sell it and not have to turn it into a rental. I already own another rental up North and I don’t want to separate properties in two different states.

Do you think it was ok to ask for feedback?

Christmas Card


Happy Holidays To You! Here is the photo of Rock & Roll that we used on our holiday card. It is so nice to have a Christmas Card with babies in it, I never thought we’d get there. For those of you going through the hell of infertility. Have faith.

Things are going well for us and the boys. Roll actually rolled the other day. Naturally this happened two days in a row at day care, so we missed it but I’m sure we’ll get to see it eventually. Rock is a little slower to move, probably because he has more weight and is not as agile as his brother. They are 4 months now and finally sleeping about 12 hours, they go to bed between 7-8 and sleep until about 5 am. Everything looks developmentally on target and we are so lucky. We feel especially blessed that they are healthy and hearty for 33 week preemies.

We are busy getting ready for our upcoming move. Our house has been a flurry of activity with painting and sprucing before it goes on the market (which actually starts today).I really hope we sell it without too much of a loss, I own two houses and probably would really stretch it if I had to turn it into a rental.  I will never buy again while I’m in the military, it is just too much stress.

I hope all is well and that everyone has terrific holiday season!