Monthly Archives: October 2011

Thank you


I wanted to send a quick note to thank you all for your words of comfort, they are much appreciated! I am doing ok. we decided to do the planned m/c route with the medication as it better for the uterus than a D & C (although the idea of sedation and good drugs had me with happy thoughts). It was not as bad as last time, probably because I took two percocet when I inserted the meds as a precaution.

We had a lot of discussion with the DR and all are in agreement that this was probably an egg quality issue. We plan to go ahead and use NMCRM for adopted embryos. Once I get back from vacation to MO2’s family next week, I’ll move ahead with that although I am thinking that I don’t want to have another baby until the boys are 2.

It gives me time to lose weight and get my back pain worked on. I had to cancel my last steroid injection because of the pregnancy (which I have to say was really uncomfortable because I couldn’t take meds) so I’m on board for my next back procedure on 2 November. I am hopefully moving toward the implanted pain pump which will hopefully get me retired as a lieutenant colonel from the military, one can hope. In the meantime, we’ll use the time to pay off bills.

Sad but Not Unexpected


It seems baby bean has passed away. We went into our OB appointment today only to discover there was no heart beat, which of course is a repeat nightmare for me. It is very hard to explain but I have been kind of expecting this. All of the women I know over 40 who have been pregnant with their own eggs have had miscarriages. It should seem logical that we aren’t any different. I’m sad but mostly empty. I’m just glad I can hug Rock and Roll tight. Perhaps will continue with our embryo adoption plan. Thank you for all the love and support.